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Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)

The AMTA is Alberta’s trucking and busing industry association. Since 1938, the Alberta Motor Transport Association and our members have advanced the commercial transportation industry through safety programs, progressive policy, and partnerships. Our influence is evident on every highway—through the work we do, the training and expertise we impart, and the clear-cut confidence we instill behind the wheel. Acting as a resource for both carriers and drivers, we work to raise the standard and accelerate industry-wide growth.

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Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Alberta OHS is the department of the Government of Alberta that administers and oversees workplace safety regulations for provincially regulated employers in Alberta. They can be contacted for questions related to labour and safety, and they also accept complaints related to unsafe work practices.

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Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors – Carrier Compliance

Carrier Compliance is the department of the Government of Alberta that oversees the safety regulations for trucking companies operating in Alberta, whether federally or provincially regulated. This differs from other types of workplace safety referenced in other resources on this page and specifically refers to the on-road operation of commercial vehicles in Alberta. They can be contacted for questions related to safety and compliance.

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AMTA – Education

AMTA is the leading provider of training and education for the commercial transportation industry. We offer hundreds of courses and resources to set you up for success, whether you’re a driver or an employer looking for training material for your company. Feel free to contact us with any questions related to the wide range of courses we offer.

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AMTA – Member Services

Member Services functions as a connector between AMTA and our membership. The department provides members with access to critical resources, expertise, and services designed to build awareness and improve the quality of engagement from and with the association. Member Services employs specialists and coordinates the rental of facilities and equipment to members for the purpose of driving continuous improvement in outcomes related to safety, training, compliance, and engagement. Member Services is also available to drivers to answer questions related to safety and labour.

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Blood Tribe Employment and Skills Training (BTEST)

BTEST is dedicated to helping the Blood Tribe Community find and retain meaningful employment opportunities.

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Canada Labour Program

The Canada Labour Program is the department of the Federal Government of Canada that oversees workplace safety and labour for federally regulated employers in Canada, which many trucking companies are. They can be contacted for questions related to labour and safety; they also accept complaints related to unsafe work practices.

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Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)

The CCOHS is a department of the Federal Government of Canada that provides resources related to workplace safety. Their website offers many ways for individuals to learn more about safety—providing a valuable resource for both employers and workers alike.

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Driver Inc. and the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA)

“Driver Inc.” refers to the illegal practice of employing a driver as a contractor and paying them accordingly when, in reality, they should be classified as an employee. Drivers and carriers who engage in this practice put themselves at risk. Read this bulletin to learn more about this topic and to be better educated on the different employment traps that exist in the trucking industry.

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The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

The FMCSA is the department of the United States government that oversees safety and compliance for trucking companies operating in the US, including Canadian carriers. Their website offers a variety of resources related to safety and compliance for cross-border drivers.

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Trucking HR Canada’s Career GPS

Trucking HR Canada has created a resource that allows individuals to learn more about non-driving careers in trucking, ensuring that the commercial transportation industry has the skilled workforce it needs today and for the future. While many options for professional driving careers are presented, Trucking HR Canada’s Career GPS allows you to explore all the opportunities the trucking industry has to offer.

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Women Building Futures (WBF)

WBF has a long history of helping women succeed in a variety of industries, including professional driving. Check out their programs to learn more about how they support women, helping connect them to higher-paying careers.

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